
In the News
Winning at BusinessAugust 25, 2021Jamie loves to play tennis, but her game has recently plateaued. A highly competitive player, she always keeps the score in the forefront of her mind—a distraction that often negatively impacts her play. Weekly she receives the same advice from her coach, “Keep your eye … [...] Read more...
Winning at Business
New 1040 Deadline: May 17 2021March 23, 2021The filing deadline for the federal 1040 form (and payments) has been moved to May 17, 2021. Colorado has also moved its tax filing deadline to May 17th. NOTE that the delay applies ONLY to 1040 forms and payments. Normal filing dates and outside of … [...] Read more...
New 1040 Deadline: May 17 2021
Now is the Time to Check your WithholdingsNovember 8, 2018“The IRS encourages everyone to use the Withholding Calculator to perform a quick ‘paycheck checkup.’ The Calculator helps you identify your tax withholding to make sure you have the right amount of tax withheld from your paycheck at work. There are several reasons to check … [...] Read more...
Now is the Time to Check your Withholdings
IRS News: Business Income DeductionNovember 7, 2018IRS Tax Reform Tax Tip 2018-166, October 25, 2018 “Eligible taxpayers may now deduct up to 20 percent of certain business income from domestic businesses operated as sole proprietorships or through partnerships, S corporations, trusts, and estates.  The deduction may also be claimed on certain … [...] Read more...
IRS News: Business Income Deduction
The Dirty Dozen Tax ScamsNovember 1, 2018The Dirty Dozen represents the worst of the worst tax scams. Compiled annually, the “Dirty Dozen” lists a variety of common scams that taxpayers may encounter anytime but many of these schemes peak during filing season as people prepare their returns or hire someone to … [...] Read more...
The Dirty Dozen Tax Scams